FAQs/ Aftercare


What’s the difference between the Traditional Tattooing process and Permanent Makeup?

While both procedures involve tattooing the skin, in traditional tattooing, pigment is added to the third layer of the skin. In permanent makeup, pigment is added to the second layer of the skin, called the Dermis, creating a final result of a soft blend of color to the tattooed area.

Is this procedure painful?

Topical anesthetic creams/liquids are used to minimize discomfort. Most find little or no pain.

Do I have a choice of colors?

Definitely! There’s a wide spectrum of colors that you may choose from. You may even choose to have blended colors and two colors.

Do I have a choice in the placement of pigments?

Of course. You will be fully aware during the procedure, instructing the technician where you wish the implants to be located.

What is involved in recovery?

There will be slight swelling and redness in the skin, which will subside quickly. You may resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Complete healing takes one to six weeks while the pigmentation matures and reaches its final color.

When will I need a touch-up?

Everyone is different. If you avoid using creams with glycolic acid and use sunscreens, you can expect 3-5 years. Eyeliner lasts a little longer and so does the lips.

Loss of color over time

a) Exposure to sunlight or UV light b) Body breaks down foreign bodies when possible and eliminates them
c) Use of glycolics, Retin-A and other new products for wrinkle treatments are having an adverse effect on permanent makeup. Please avoid contact to your areas “Tattooed”.


best advice? You should NOT use lotion on a fresh tattoo.
In the past some tattoo artists advised their clients to use petroleum jelly or thick ointments for the first few days of healing, followed lotion to keep the skin moisturized, protected, and to prevent color fading. True these jellies and lotions are relatively cheap and available at your local drugstore. However, almost all of these lotions contain ingredients that have recently been proven to be more harmful than beneficial for tattoo health. DO NOT USE VASELINE.
Now, more than ever, tattoo enthusiasts have educated themselves to how important it is to properly care for a new tattoo. And more than ever, they are looking for natural alternatives that can safely heal and preserve their art.
Here are 5 tips for tattoo aftercare:

1.Gently cleanse, stay out of the sun, and away from heat. During the healing and aftercare process, which may take from several days up to a couple of weeks, gently cleanse the tattoo daily with fragrance-free, anti-bacterial body soap and lukewarm water. For the first few days, no sun, swimming, sweating, or dirt. Keep your tattoo dry and clean. For the first 24 hours, icing the tattoo can also be helpful. This will help reduce inflammation and also help with the pain.

2.Use only oil or oil-based ointment for first 3 days. I recommend the natural product,
that I give to you ,“Whit’s.” Most old fashioned tattoo remedies are thick and occlude
the pores, in effect suffocating the wound while healing. Tea tree oil has anti-
inflammatory anti- fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. This can also be used.

3.Avoid the “crusties.” For the first day, your tattoo will seep a clear liquid called plasma. Try not to let this crust on your skin, but if it does, gently wash it off with warm water.

4. After the tattoo is healed, THEN you begin moisturizing with a good unscented, dye-free lotion. Keeping the skin hydrated during the peeling process and long after will help with itchiness, flakiness, and preserving the richness of your tattoo color. Try to stay away from lotions that contain lanolin’s or petroleum’s. Instead use a lotion that is rich in fatty acids for free- radical protection and non-greasy hydration.

5.Watch the ingredients. Lanolin, for example, which comes from sheep’s wool, causes allergic reactions in a lot of people. Some tattoo aftercare also contain products such as beeswax or petrolatum, and mineral oils which can clog pores, or may contain contaminants. These ingredients are widely popular in over-the-counter creams and lotions because they are cheap and easy to manufacture. The lanolin and mineral oil found in these lotions cause excessive seeping, clogging, scabbing, scarring and color loss. Stay away from products that contain mineral oil, propylene glycol, or parabens. It is also best to use lotion that is free of dyes and fragrance to keep any potential skin irritants to a minimum.

Loss of color over time
a) Exposure to sunlight or UV light b) Body breaks down foreign bodies when possible and eliminates them
c) Use of glycolics, Retin-A and other new products for wrinkle treatments are having an adverse effect on permanent makeup. To protect your new tattoo, do not use near your treated areas.
I am not responsible for your choice of facial products and their effect.



Debi Marion is a member of
The Society of
Permanent Cosmetic

Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce

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